Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Water Outlaws, by S. L. Huang

According to the introduction this book is intended to evoke "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" (thought that title is not explicitly referenced)--feminine superhero-martial arts-wire fu action. And it delivers on that pretty well. I find myself agreeing with others that the focus of the book felt off--I didn't care that much about Lin Chong and Li Junyi as protagonists. The other characters had more potential to be interesting, mostly because they didn't carry that baggage about loyalty to a corrupt empire. That may be what is playing out in real life, but I think most of us are over it. The author's work to build those protagonists actually detracted from enjoyment of the action.

Overall it was OK, but felt like it went on for a long time. I can't quite give it four stars.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

The Road to Roswell, by Connie Willis

This is a rom-com, a nice relaxing read. I think Connie Willis could have put more into it than that, but in the end it's pretty much a better grade of Hallmark movie (maybe a low-stakes romantic comedy with some big name actors between projects). The special effects would not be very difficult at all, and there's a lot you could do with an animated, very fast tumbleweed that would be fun to watch. A nice break from post-apocalyptic stories I guess, since reality has a way of catching up to those and that will never happen with alien stories. I think it's better than a 3 but it's not a 4.

My Goodreads Review

Sunday, March 3, 2024

The Lords of Uncreation, by Adrian Tchaikovsky

I absolutely loved this conclusion to the Final Architecture series, for some of the same reasons that other reviewers didn't like it so much. There's a lot of battle sequences--I think they are really exciting and Tchaikovsky's background shows (he shares in his bio that he's trained in stage fighting, and that experience clearly informs the battles). He manages to make something as ridiculous in scope as saving all sentient life in the universe scale down to something we can get our heads around.

The whole series is worth reading for the relationships between the crew of the Vulture God (a deep-space salvage tug). Through all the insanity they are deeply devoted to each other, and particularly to Idris. Idris is endearing for his over-the-top depiction--he's only got one job, that of saving the universe, and he is conspicuously and self-consciously terrible at anything else. He is the most vulnerable lead character that I remember reading, and the rest of the crew is symmetrically devoted to him. I am sad to come to the end of the story--I will miss these folks. I also think Tchaikovsky has effectively closed off the series so that we can truly miss them.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

A Stranger In the Citadel, by Tobias Bucknell

Like many others I thought this book was going in a YA direction at the start. The plot seems a bit on the nose for our anti-intellectual times. But the book takes a good dark turn when Lilith finds out that her father isn't the staunch defender of the faith that she thought, nor is her beloved mentor Kira. There is a sort of classic element here, in that it's when Lilith acts according to the principles her father upholds that she finds out what's really going on.

The book is pretty focused on protagonist Lilith's coming of age, so it's still very YA, but in a good challenging way. But the relationships in the story are mature. Not that kind of mature, you dirty-minded people! In fact, not that at all. A strong element in the book is that people who don't share goals or values end up having to cooperate, or tolerate each other. Those stories are very well drawn here, and it's not something you see that often in SF literature. Worth the time in my opinion, I got a lot out of it.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

In the Lives of Puppets, by T. J. Klune

I picked this up on Goodreads' recommendation. What I'd say about this book is, it was fine. Interesting and sympathetic characters, a hero's journey, love and surrender and redemption. All fine. The characters are unfortunately one-dimensional, but they mesh together to produce fun reading. It wasn't challenging reading, unless you find alternative sexuality challenging, and really if you're reading SF award winners or anything outside of mainstream romance novels you should be over that by now. No actual sex. In the afterword Klune says he backed off of telling the story he wanted to tell with these characters, which explained this for me. I wasn't sorry I read it, but mainly it occupied time.

My Goodreads Review

Sunday, January 21, 2024

The Thing Itself, by Adam Roberts

I read this after reading his later philosophical SF novel, "The This". I think The This is better, but The Thing Itself is absolutely worth reading. The blurb does it no justice at all, it must have been written by someone who had the book described to them third-hand.

In both The This and The Thing Itself Adam Roberts tries to bring philosophical concepts in by way of physical instantiations. So in The This there's a Dialectic trying to bring itself into being. In The Thing Itself we get to meet, well, the thing itself--Kant's "Ding An Sich". Because we perceive the world through our senses, what we know of things is what our senses report to us. This much was understood by Plato, and elucidated in his Cave analogy. Kant goes further in his Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics to argue that our ways of moving in the world and categorizing it, like space and time, are also constructions out of our mental nature, and that the world does not necessarily work that way at all. Certainly advanced physics from Einstein through Feynman makes this clear--the world is stranger than we can imagine.

What I can't quite get past with this one is that, in order to drive a plot, our protagonist and his nemesis get to SEE and interact with The Thing Itself, by way of an AI that can get past categories. This seems to me like any other advanced scientific instrument, like a particle accelerator or the James Webb Space Telescope. These tools are designed to go beyond our sensory and mental categories.

But in order to interpret the output of these tools we have to bring it back to where our senses can apprehend it--false color, loose analogies, etc. There is, as Kant says, no way for us to "see" The Thing Itself. And our instruments don't really do that either, they are just built to examine things from different perspectives.

So my philosophical hangup kept me from the thorough suspension of disbelief that you need in order to enjoy a novel. But I still loved it. No other SF novels have made me think so hard. Kudos to Adam Roberts for having the guts to write novels like this.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Parable of the Talents, by Octavia Butler

It is amazing to me how well this book holds up 30 years after it was written. Definitely in its predictions--climate change was a mere gleam in an Exxon scientist's eye when this came out. The MAGA prediction does not shock me as much as some--there's a pretty straight line from the Moral Majority to today's Christian Dominionism.

The way this book holds up is in the lesson Butler conveys. In her time she said "I write not to predict, but to warn". And we did not heed the warning. Now here we are. Her protagonist's blunt descriptions of the failure of our culture and its consequences will be read 100 years from now as a companion to history.

Another reviewer said, "This is one of the best books I have ever read. I do not want to read it again". I absolutely second that. This was one tough read. I put it down at one point for more than a month. But I am glad I finished it.

The Water Outlaws, by S. L. Huang

According to the introduction this book is intended to evoke "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" (thought that title is not explicitl...