Saturday, September 24, 2016

The Clockwork Dagger, by Beth Cato

Beth Cato's Wings of Sorrow and Bone was nominated for a Nebula this year, so I wanted to read it.  But it's a later part of a series, and my library doesn't have it.  I thought I'd read the first one, The Clockwork Dagger, to see if I wanted to catch up.

The promotional material says it's a "steampunk romance", and the steampunk part is there, but Cato doesn't really expand on it.  The technical development is aircraft before their time, zeppelins and gyrocopters.  But the focus is magic in the form of a connection to the Lady, initially a grief stricken human who somehow transformed into a world-supporting tree of magic.  The protagonist, Octavia, is a medician, one who wields that magic to heal.

The book is a straightforward romance novel, which is not so much my cup of tea.  We have a plot of intrigue involving a missing princess, but mainly this is about Octavia's relationship with hunky Tamaranian Alonzo Garrison, who turns out to be an agent of the queen, a Clockwork Dagger.  Adventures in keeping them alive, and intense hand holding, ensue.

The series didn't get off to a flying start, but it might get better.  I may catch it up later in the year.  For now, I give this one 2 stars.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Curse of Chalion, by Lois McMaster Bujold

Penric's Demon was nominated for a Hugo award this year, so I intend to read it as I do as many of the nominees as possible.  There are two questions I faced with this work, as with others: 1) This is a later work in a series where I haven't read the earlier works.  Do I catch it up or not? 2) The chronological sequence of the story is not the order in which it was written--in what order should the books be read?

I faced both of these back when I started reading Hugo novel nominees and one of the Miles Vorkosigan Saga books was nominated.  It's a highly decorated series, so I decided to catch it up and was not at all sorry--search this blog for all my reviews.  That series was also not completely in chronological order.  What I've found in these cases is that the changes in how the author tells the story make more difference than the chronological sequence of the story itself--the author matures the series as it is written.  So I read the works in the order they were written if possible.

So I am going back first to review The Curse of Chalion, and will work forward to Penric's Demon.  And I can say I'm looking forward to completing the series (called the World of the Five Gods by 

In many ways I would have to say that Bujold wrote this book at the height of her powers (it was published in 2000).  It's a beautifully constructed book, with the plot building effectively all the way through.  This work would be classified as a romantic fantasy novel.  The protagonist, Cazaril, is in some respects similar to Miles Vorkosigan, in that he bears physical challenges that render him not much to look at--in this case they are war and captivity wounds rather than a birth defect.  But Cazaril is different enough from Vorkosigan in that, while born to power as Vorkosigan is, he doesn't want it the same way.

Cazaril was betrayed in a war and enslaved, where he received his wounds.  After his release he wants nothing more than to be anonymous, but that's not how things work out.  He ends up a pawn of the gods as he works out how he can lift a terrible curse on the royal family of Chalion.  For a more complete plot summary you can read the book jacket.

The centerpiece here is the very appealing Cazaril.  He may be beat up but he is a man of wisdom and honor, which makes him highly appealing to discerning friends and royal ladies alike.  He serves his royal charge, the Royesse Iselle, as faithfully and effectively as anyone could ask.  Bujold displays his sagacity and capability effectively as she tells an exciting tale.

She also paints him effectively as one overwhelmed by his connection to one of the gods.  This is particularly well shown in the epilogue chapters, where he tries to describe all that he's been through.

I give it four stars and recommend it highly if you have not read the series.  Go enjoy it. 

One Man's Treasure, by Sarah Pinsker

I think One Man's Treasure has a great premise, maybe could use more development to give the conclusion a heavier hit. Sarah Pinsker is...