Saturday, November 21, 2020

Wanderers, by Chuck Wendig

 Reading this book was like being at a bad diner, where they burn your french fries so they give you extra to make up for it. It was both bad and long. Some reviewers say it had potential, but given how it was written I don't see where.

Not that the writing was bad. It was competent, other than being twice as long as necessary--maybe more. It was just so basic. I am sympathetic to where Wendig is coming from, but when I read something that reinforces my point of view I want to learn something. Literally nothing new here. Evil Trump-analog politician tears at the political fabric (he might as well have just used Donald Trump) while a white supremacist rapist militia leader (yep, there's a graphic man-rape scene) hobnobs with powerful right-wing leaders. A weak-willed pastor that loses his faith. Cardboard characters all (Shana, sister of the first Wanderer, comes closest to being human but Wendig just can't quite pull it off). Oh, and to top it off we have an artificial intelligence engaged in finding the cause of the disease that causes wandering, and another world-ending plague happening at the same time (Is the AI involved? What do you think? Gawd.)

It is probably too late for most who would consider it, but you really don't have to read this book. Just imagine the end of the world from the perspective of MSNBC and you pretty much have it. It got nominated for a Locus award. Don't know what they were thinking...and I want three weeks of reading life back.

One Man's Treasure, by Sarah Pinsker

I think One Man's Treasure has a great premise, maybe could use more development to give the conclusion a heavier hit. Sarah Pinsker is...