Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Atlantis, by Orson Scott Card

Atlantis is a very sharp tale that neatly ties Atlantis to the flood of Noah, in a quite believable way. Card is a superb writer, and his hero Kemal is both larger than life and human. I owe Card my position on speculative fiction as the best vehicle for exploring the meaning of religion--Dan Brown's thrillers are crap by comparison. I've only read bits of his Alvin Maker series, but what I've read has been very good.

Read of the Day

Nine Yards of Other Cloth is an award-nominated story by Manly Wade Wellman. I found the introduction very interesting, it gave good background on a man mostly thought of as a second tier writer. The story itself is OK, not sure if I will return for more of that collection. 2 stars

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One Man's Treasure, by Sarah Pinsker

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