Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Persephone of the Crows, by Karen Joy Fowler

Persephone of the Crows was a finalist for the 2018 Locus Award.  Not too long to read, it was quite entertaining but it seems more like the first chapter of a book, with a few bits tacked on, than an independent story.  The scene is set with a charming sequence where Polly's family is visiting another family, linked by their father's work and friendship.  The dads mainly get together to drink.  Polly is playing with Isabelle, who has seen a fairy.  Polly does not believe in such things.  Things go downhill when Isabelle's father shows everyone an erotic painting with his wife as the model. 

It's a standard setup, and would no doubt go someplace interesting, but where it does in fact go is told only in a few brief, interspersed paragraphs.  I imagine it as something Fowler started many years ago, and does not actually intend to pursue, but thought it worth getting out there.  Since it got an award nomination she is right.

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