Sunday, September 30, 2018

Raven Stratagem, by Yoon Ha Lee

Raven Stratagem (The Machineries of Empire, #2)Raven Stratagem by Yoon Ha Lee
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I am with many others in liking Raven Stratagem much better than Ninefox Gambit. It could be that I'm just a bit more used to his highly tongue-in-cheek style, but this book is just a lot more focused and less hinky. Granted, the ideas are still a stretch and it is challenging to read in places, but really it is better all the way through. I especially loved the ending, there's a definite sense of progress but he's got a lot of possible directions to take the series. Shuos Jedao is a character he can wring a lot of side stories out of. Calendrical technologies are still central to the story and not very clear, so I'm hoping he can do more with how calendar observances enable advanced technology. But this time he really centers the experiences of people in high places and lower ones trying to get by in an empire that is becoming increasingly dysfunctional. I was only mildly enthused about reading this one after Ninefox Gambit, but I'm definitely looking forward to the next one.

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