Saturday, July 31, 2021

Finna, by Nino Cipri

The McGuffin in Finna is the hidden, perhaps confusing space that ends up leading to an alternate universe--I remember these well from Roger Zelazny, Seanan McGuire, C. S. Lewis (Narnia), etc etc. It lets you get a story going without a lot of complication, and that's what is done here. Finna is definitely a book for our times--these crappy service jobs probably pay $1 over minimum wage so they're *good* jobs, and you should be lucky to have one, you ingrate. A lot of reviewers complain about the characterization--I thought it was actually the good part, the characters grew on me a bit through the book. Maybe it's just a little densely packed.  There's some obvious motivation stated about why the missing grandma analog actually wants to come back to the crappy universe with our protagonists, but it seemed a bit cut off. Probably because it's the first in a series. Overall it's kind of lightweight, but it's fun and I'd probably read the next one.

My Goodreads Review

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