Friday, January 28, 2022

Color, Heat and the Wreck of the Argo, by Catherynne M. Valente

I've read a fair amount of Catherynne M. Valente over the years, and a lot of it is kind of goofy.  Not really in a bad way.  But in this story she's digging deep.  The protagonist is a kind of hard-luck woman with an interest in videography, and knowledge about Betamax recorders.  She finds one at a yard sale, gets it working, and starts seeing visions of other parts of the subjects' lives.

It's a fully mature story in that the relationships described are powerful and central to the story.  The protagonist is mourning her ex's departure, and they have to come back together to hand over the remains of the dog they had together.  You really feel for everyone involved, and the Betamax technology is certainly obscure enough to carry fantasy.  Color, Heat and the Wreck of the Argo is definitely worth reading.

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