Thursday, October 20, 2022

The Past Is Red, by Cathrynne M. Valente

This has to be one of my favorites from Cat Valente. She is reaching for some new literary ground here, and while the voice of the protagonist (the most hated in Garbagetown, essentially for telling the truth, and some know it) gets a bit grating in places it's a really powerfully told apocalyptic story. What is left of humanity is mostly living on a floating land mass made from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch collected and sorted. Everything else is under water. Not geologically accurate (there was a fair amount of dry land on Earth even when there was no ice) but it drives the story really well. Valente captures the insanity of living in that place really well, and in the afterword (important to read) says she is trying to offer a positive message as well. Life will go on even in the absolute worst case scenarios, unless it doesn't, and it is possible to enjoy it. Well worth the read.

My Goodreads Review

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