Thursday, January 5, 2023

Broad Dutty Water, by Nalo Hopkinson

This is a good, solid, enjoyable story. Jacquette is an interesting protagonist but mostly a canvas for the setting, which is the Gulf Coast adjusting to disastrous sea-level rise. She is out for a ride in a 3-d printed ultralight plane with her modified pig Lickchop when they encounter rough weather and have to ditch. I'm surprised, maybe not surprised, that this didn't get more attention for the novelette category in the Hugos or Nebula. Paywalling does not help, but F&SF did make it available for free for awhile so there's more to it, and Nalo Hopkinson is an unapologetically Black author. She is getting a grandmaster award at the Hugos.

My Goodreads Review

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