Sunday, August 13, 2023

Eversion, by Alastair Reynolds

It's a bit hard to review this novel without either spoiling it entirely or misleading the reader. Most reviews choose to do the latter. So I'll just say that this is a novel for our time, in a lot of different ways. It's one you should put in a time capsule from the early 2020's and get out 20 or more years from now, not for the predictions necessarily but for what we were thinking about at this time. And the way Reynolds goes about it is very clever. He plays with how fiction works in the narrative--fiction itself has a role. The adventure part of the story doesn't get a lot of attention, but it's not the point. Reynolds has given us a clear look at ourselves by way of our latest and greatest creation. I'll think back on this one regularly.

My Goodreads Review

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