Monday, October 9, 2023

High Times In the Low Parliament, by Kelly Robson

I'm more generous that some in rating this novella, though I agree with more of the negative reviews. I too found the protagonist somewhat unlikeable--making her a lesbian does not make her approach to sexual relations OK. Lana belongs in the "dudes in drag" category of LGBTQ+ fiction. There appear to be no men anywhere so it's not clear how they procreate (budding?). And the plot has holes, a rather gaping one being the motivations of the faction of parliament that wants everyone to drown.

I get the metaphor. Democracies everywhere are struggling with significant factions that don't believe in democracy and will "drown everyone" to bring the house down. So maybe it got award nominations as catharsis? There are cute parts, and places where Lana's likeability improves--she is attuned to the unloved and oppressed--but it's not enough to really make the story work.

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